Tuesday 31 July 2012

How to Prevent Your Oily Skin Naturally

Don`t run away from your oily skin, just face them, because we have three best ways that will beat your headache. Before getting started we shall know about oily skin.

What is oily skin?

The genetical problem is the one of the commonest reason of oily skin. Although the modern beauty care since said that the coagulation of the dust in here follicol is liable for it. Most of the obese man is suffering with oily skin because the extra accumulated fat excreted as sebum with their sweat. In spite of this excessive sweat secretion is also liable for your patchy & oily skin. This all of above reason increase the bacteria growth on your face which offers you pimples and black heads.

Thus way oily skin becomes a great hazard to our daily life regardless sex .So we will promote you some prevention technics of oily skin.


Three best technic to get rid of oily skin:

  1. Take a tablespoon each of yoghurt, fuller's earth powder and mint powder or peppermint oil. Soak fuller's earth and mint powder in yoghurt for half an hour and then blend it well. Apply it on your face for 15 minutes. After dry, wash off it with lukewarm water followed by a cold-water rinse. This is an ideal mask for oily skin.

  2. Mix an egg white, tablespoon yoghurt, a teaspoon each fuller's earth and honey as a mask for normal to oily skin. Mix a tablespoon each of yoghurt and fuller's earth with half a teaspoon of honey and one eighth teaspoon of baking soda for a mask for normal to oily skin.

  3. Use green tee solution for cleaning your face. It can be free your face from bacterial growth due to its astringent property. This is an ideal masking technic for prevents oily skin.

 Now we will suggest you some precaution for removal of oily skin.


  1. Always clean your face twice in a day with hot and cool water repetitively.
  2. Use astringent solution after cleaning your face.
  3. Take a healthy, mineral containing food daily.
  4. Many people with oily skin hesitate to use moisturizers. A moisturizer helps protect the skin from future wrinkles. Moisturizers for oily skin should be very lightweight.


  1. Don’t use soap for cleaning your face.
  2. Don`t take fat containing food extremely.


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